Explainer: The unjust prosecution of Bernard Collaery

Whistleblowers should be protected, not punished. But right now, Australia’s whistleblowers – people who do the right thing by speaking up about wrongdoing – are suffering. The prosecution of Bernard Collaery was indicative of this alarming trend. While the case has since been discontinued, in a win for democracy in Australia, more must be done to protect Australian whistleblowers.


Collaery, a Canberra lawyer and former ACT Attorney-General, was being prosecuted in the ACT Supreme Court by federal authorities for his alleged role in raising awareness about Australia’s wrongdoing in Timor-Leste in the 2000s. At a time when our neighbours were recovering from decades of Indonesian repression, trying to build a new nation, Australian spies were allegedly bugging Timor’s cabinet to give Australia the upper hand in oil and gas negotiations. This conduct was profoundly immoral and possibly even contrary to international law.

Since Australia’s spying against Timor came to light, the Australian government has refused to admit to the conduct and failed to apologise. Instead, the government expressly consented to the prosecution of two whistleblowers – Witness K, a former intelligence officer, and his lawyer, Collaery. In June 2020, Witness K was given a suspended sentence after pleading guilty. Collaery has pleaded not guilty; his prosecution was ongoing, until the new Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus QC, elected to discontinue the case using his power under the Judiciary Act 1903 in early July 2022.

The case against Collaery was shrouded in secrecy and mired in procedural battles, with many preliminary hearings held in closed court. The Human Rights Law Centre developed this explainer page to help people track developments in the case. We will retain it for the historical record and to aid understanding of a significant, unjust moment in Australian history.

While the end to the prosecution is welcome, two other whistleblowers remain on trial - Richard Boyle, who spoke up about misconduct at the tax office, and David McBride, who blew the whistle on atrocities allegedly committed by Australian forces in Afghanistan. Both Boyle and McBride are pleading a defence under federal whistleblowing law; their cases are expected to be heard in late 2022. These prosecutions are also unjust and contrary to the public interest; they too should be discontinued.

Law reform and stronger institutional structures are also essential. The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 is out of date - reform has been required for six years, since an independent review in 2016 found that the experience of whistlelowers under the law was not a happy one. Yet it remains unamended. There are also growing calls for a whistleblower protection commissioner or authority to enforce whistleblowing laws and provide practical support to whistleblowers.

The ending of the Collaery prosecution is a positive step. But more remains to be done by the Albanese government to ensure whistleblowers in Australia are protected, not punished, and certainly not prosecuted.

The case of Bernard Collaery

What's the latest?

What was Collaery charged with?

Why was the case shrouded in secrecy?

Prior updates (May 2022)

Prior updates (March 2022)


In the news


There have been over 50 interlocutory hearings in the Collaery case to date, with over a dozen judgments.


R v Collaery (No 12) [2022] ACTSC 108

(A decision denying Collaery’s attempt to subpoena documents relating to the lawful authorisation (or otherwise) of the alleged espionage operation in Timor-Leste)
— MAY 2022

R v Collaery (No 11) [2022] ACTSC 40

(A decision to accept secret, judge-only evidence in considering whether trial should be heard in closed court)
— MARCH 2022

R v Collaery (No 10) [2021] ACTSC 311

(A decision in relation to the scope of remittal)
Collaery v The Queen (No 3) [2021] ACTCA

(A decision in relation to the Attorney-General’s applications for redactions to the Court of Appeal decision – not yet published)

Collaery v The Queen (No 2) [2021] ACTCA 28

(Collaery’s appeal to the secrecy orders is accepted; the majority of trial to be heard in open court – judgment not yet published, court-issued summary available here)
— OCTOBER 2021

Collaery v The Queen [2021] ACTCA 1

(Appeal hearing dates are vacated, in circumstances where the delay was caused by Attorney-General’s failure to swiftly aid inclusion of new counsel for Collaery in national security procedures)

R v Collaery (No 9) [2020] ACTSC 291

(A decision in relation to a claim of public interest immunity relating to discovery)
— OCTOBER 2020

R v Collaery (No 6) [2020] ACTSC 164

(A decision on parliamentary privilege in relation to certain evidence)
— JUNE 2020

R v Collaery (No 7) [2020] ACTSC 165

(The Attorney-General is successful in the application for NSI Act orders for the trial to be held in closed court)
— JUNE 2020

R v Collaery (No 8) [2020] ACTSC 200

(A decision on the proper interpretation of provisions of NSI Act)
— MAY 2020

R v Collaery (No 5) [2020] ACTSC 68

(A Covid-19 related adjournment application is successful)
— MARCH 2020

R v Collaery (No 4) [2020] ACTSC 61

(A Covid-19 related adjournment application is unsuccessful)
— MARCH 2020

R v Collaery (No 3) [2019] ACTSC 332

(the Attorney-General is granted an extension of time to provide response)
R v Collaery (No 2) [2019] ACTSC 296

(the Court rejects an application by a third party to make amicus submissions)
— OCTOBER 2019

R v Collaery (No 2) [2019] ACTSC 296

(the Court rejects an application by a third party to make amicus submissions)
— OCTOBER 2019

R v Collaery [2019] ACTSC 278

(a decision in relation to the operation of secrecy provisions in relation to court processes)
— OCTOBER 2019

Dean v Collaery (No 1); Dean v Witness K (a pseudonym) (No 1) [2018] ACTMC 29

(the Attorney-General applied for the NSI Act secrecy provisions to operate in relation to the Collaery and Witness K prosecutions)

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