Victorian Charter Train-the-Trainer Program
The purpose of this training workshop is to equip lawyers to educate workers in community organisations about the Victorian Charter of Human Rights. Specifically, the objectives of the workshop are that the participants should be able to:
- Understand human rights and how they are protected in the Charter
- Identify relevant human rights in real life scenarios
- Understand how the Charter can be used as an advocacy tool for the empowerment of clients and the achievement of social justice
- Understand what the organisation must do to comply with the Charter (if the organisation is a public authority).
The following resources are available for the program:
- Presenters' Manual
- PowerPoint Presentation
- 14 Case Studies (with Answer Guides included in the Presenters' Manual)
- 2 page Fact Sheet on the Rights in the Charter
- 20 Rights Specific Fact Sheets (which consider, in relation to each right: What does the right mean?; and How is the right relevant to my work?)
- 11 Themed Fact Sheets on: disability services; drug users; education; homelessness; mental health; older people; prisoners; public housing; rights in relation to the police; young people in the criminal justice system; and young people in care.
This program and its materials are based on and draw upon resources and materials prepared by and for the Department of Justice and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. The HRLRC thanks the Department and Commission for the use of this material.
The materials were also prepared with substantial assistance from Allens Arthur Robinson.
The program is made possible due to a generous grant from the Victoria Law Foundation.