National Human Rights Consultation - Workshops and Submission Toolkits
HRLRC's Submission Toolkit
- Fact Sheet - About the National Human Rights Consultation
- Suggested template submissions for organisations and individuals
- Thematic fact sheets are on the Materials and Resources page
- Right-specific fact sheets are available on the Materials and Resources page
HRLRC's Thematic Workshops
The HRLRC is conducting a number of workshops that address the relationship between human rights and particular thematic areas. The workshops are designed to assist organisations and individuals to:
- prepare a submission to the National Human Rights Consultation; and
- conduct consumer forums with clients to empower them to also write a submission.
1. Community Legal Centres
Workshops for generalist and specialist CLCs were held on 17 February 2009. The materials produced for this workshop include:
- Powerpoint Presentation: Consultation Workshop - CLCs
2. Mental Health
This workshop was held on 31 March 2009. The materials produced for this workshop include:
- Powerpoint Presentation: Consultation Workshop - Mental Health
3. People with Disability
This workshop was held on 2 April 2009. The materials produced for this workshop include:
- Powerpoint Presentation: Consultation Workshop - Disability Organisations
- AHRC Fact Sheet: Human Rights and People with Disability
4. Women
This workshop was held on 9 February 2009. The materials produced for this workshop include:
- Powerpoint Presentation: 'Getting Involved in the National Human Rights Consultation'
- Consultation Toolkit for Women, comprising 'Fact Sheet on Human Rights and Women', template Organisational Submission and template Individual Submission
5. Aboriginal peoples
This workshop was held on 12 March 2009. The materials produced for this workshop include:
- Powerpoint Presentation: Consultation Workshop - Aboriginal organisations
- Fact Sheet: Human Rights and Aboriginal Peoples
6. Migrants and Asylum Seekers
A workshop was held on 23 February 2009. The materials produced for this workshop include:
- Powerpoint Presentation: Consultation Workshop - Migrants and Asylum Seekers
- AHRC Fact Sheet: Human Rights and Asylum Seekers
7. Older Persons
This workshop was held on 18 March 2009. The materials produced for this workshop include:
- Powerpoint Presentation: Consultation Workshop - Older Persons
8. Environmental organisation
Details of upcoming workshop to be advised.