Human Rights 2010 - Ten Policies for a Fairer Australia

Respect for human rights is the foundation of a community that is fair, just, cohesive and inclusive.  The promotion and protection of human rights should be a key priority for the next Australian Government. On the international stage, Australia has a proud bipartisan history in the development of human rights laws and institutions.  At home, the recent National Human Rights Consultation demonstrated that human rights matter deeply to Australians.  Human rights principles resonate with Australian democratic values, including the rule of law and our sense of a fair go.

The Consultation also demonstrated, however, that our framework of laws and institutions does not provide comprehensive protection of rights, particularly for vulnerable or disadvantaged groups.  The Consultation disclosed a strong majority view that ‘we could do better in guaranteeing fairness for all within Australia and in protecting the dignity of people who miss out’.

On 21 July 2010, the Human Rights Law Resource Centre released Human Rights 2010 - 10 Policies for a Fairer Australia.   Human Rights 2010 briefly sets out ten policies to which the next Federal Government should commit for a fairer Australia.  Together, the policies would promote human dignity, address disadvantage, enhance good government, and strengthen accountability.
