Human Rights Dinner 2014 - Sydney & Melbourne

With our friends at Justice Connect, we are delighted to be hosting the Annual Human Rights Dinner 2014.

This year the dinner will be held in both Melbourne and Sydney.

The Human Rights Dinner is a fantastic night for those passionate about human rights and access to justice. Join us to celebrate achievements and renew our energy to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. It’s also an important fundraiser for the Human Rights Law Centre and Justice Connect.

We are very excited to have Hina Jilani as our international guest speaker, a pioneering international human rights lawyer, a pro-democracy campaigner and a leading activist in Pakistan’s women’s movement.

Ms Jilani founded Pakistan’s first all-women law firm, its first legal aid centre and its national Human Rights Commission. She was awarded the Millennium Peace Prize for Women in 2001 and was the UN’s Special Representative on Human Rights Defenders between 2000-2008. Last year Ms Jilani was elected to join the International Commission of Jurists and she is also a member of the group of respected global leaders known as The Elders.

We are absolutely delighted to have Ms Jilani as our guest speaker and hope you can share this special opportunity with us to hear first-hand from such an inspirational human rights champion.

Tickets for this event sell out each year, so please book your spot as soon as possible. Also, be sure to check out the various items available in our fundraising auctions.

Melbourne – Friday 13 June 2014
6.30pm for pre-dinner drinks, 7pm dinner
Plaza Ballroom, beneath the Regent Theatre, 191 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000.
with Ben Schokman as MC
(RSVP by 12pm Tuesday 10 June)
Book tickets now >>

Sydney – Friday 20 June 2014
6.30pm for pre-dinner drinks, 7pm dinner
The Great Hall, University of Sydney - The University of Sydney/Science Rd, Camperdown NSW 2050.
with The Chaser's Julian Morrow as MC.
(RSVP by 12pm Monday 16 June)
Book tickets now >>

Full price: $180
Concession/NGO price: $110
Dress code: Lounge/cocktail
(Tickets transferable but not refundable.)

For enquiries, please contact Rachael Hambleton on 61 3 8636 4400

The HRLC and Justice Connect gratefully acknowledge Qantas’ support for Ms Jilani’s flights.