Annual Human Rights Dinners 2015

Thanks to everyone who helped make the Human Rights Dinners in Melbourne and Sydney such a success. Much fun was had and the events raised over $100,000 to be shared between the HRLC and Justice Connect.

A copy of Professor Gillian Trigg’s keynote speech is now available online here in print as well as an audio recording from the Melbourne event (Part 1 | Part 2).

A big thanks to our two MCs Julian Morrow and Casey Bennetto.

The Human Rights Dinners are an opportunity to come together to celebrate achievements and to energise the human rights and access to justice movement to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. They are also important fundraisers for the Human Rights Law Centre and Justice Connect and we'd like to thank everyone again who either bid competitively in our fundraising auction or generously made donations - it's greatly appreciated.

We're still in the process of dispatching many of the auction items. If you have any questions please contact our fundraising coordinator Rachael Hambleton by email at or on 03 8636 4400.

Emeritus Professor Triggs has successfully combined a distinguished academic career with international commercial legal practice, and has worked with governments and international organizations on human rights law. Professor Triggs has accomplished an extraordinary amount. She is the former Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney, has written five books and was a Director of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. She is also a former Barrister with Seven Wentworth Chambers and a Governor of the College of Law. She became the President of the Human Rights Commission in 2012.