Advocating for LGBTI rights at the UN

The Human Rights Law Centre's LGBTI rights team advocates to end the horrific discrimination and violence that LGBTI people face around the globe. The sad truth is that every single day, LGBTI human beings face bullying, harassment, hate crimes and harm as a result of the prejudice and hatred that too many societies foster.

As Australian-based human rights lawyers, we have a responsibility to advocate not just for fairer laws at home, but to agitate for stronger human rights protections for LGBTI people globally.

Thanks to funding from the International LGBTI Association, the Human Rights Law Centre was able to advocate for LGBTI rights at the recent UN Human Rights Council session and Australia's review by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in July 2018.

oral statement at the un human rights council session 38 (july 2018)

oral statement at the un human rights council session 38 (july 2018)

Ending violence & discrimination worldwide

LGBTI people worldwide face violence and discrimination, exclusion and marginalisation in every corner of the globe.

Following the tabling of the Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity's first major report at the UN Human Rights Council, the Human Rights Law Centre called for all countries to take a strong stand against prejudice and hatred, and work towards removing laws in the countries which still, unbelievably, criminalise homosexuality.

Read more here

hrlc giving evidence at australia's review by cedaw (july 2018)

hrlc giving evidence at australia's review by cedaw (july 2018)

Stronger protections for LGBTI women & girls in Australia

In July 2018, the Human Rights Law Centre highlighted the need for more to be done to fully realise the rights of LGBTI people as part of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women's review of Australia's women's rights track record.

The UN grilled the Australian Government, and made recommendations to reduce discrimination, bullying and harassment, end unnecessary medical interventions on intersex people, fairer laws for LGBTI women seeking asylum, and removing barriers to legal recognition of gender.

Read more here

Support for our international LGBTI rights advocacy

We are committed to advocating for the human rights of LGBTI people around the world. Our ability to undertake this work depends on the generous support of donors.

Now that Australia has a seat on the UN Human Rights Council, our goal is to place pressure on the Australian Government in its votes and influence on the Council to shape international law and practice for the better. We also advocate for the Australian Government to do more within its sphere of influence - by implementing fairer policies at home, and in Australian Government activities in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

Our vision

Our vision is to create a high impact network of Australian NGOs and advocates to:

1.    Positively influence Australia to promote LGBTI rights on the international stage,

2.    Build international assistance and solidarity for LGBTI people in the Asia-Pacific region,

3.    Supporting LGBTI refugees to settle in safety in Australia, and

4.    Contribute to cross-organisational advocacy, communication and collaboration to advance the protection of LGBTI rights across the globe.

To find out more about how you can support this work please email Anna Brown ( or Lee Carnie (

hrlc senior lawyer lee carnie outside the untied nations in geneva

hrlc senior lawyer lee carnie outside the untied nations in geneva

Raising awareness of global LGBTI rights issues

It's crucial that international human rights make an impact back home. The Human Rights Law Centre's international LGBTI rights advocacy was communicated through opinion articles, media and social media engagement.

Our videos on LGBTI rights were viewed more than 10,000 times, and our facebook and twitter reach ensured that more people are aware of the importance of better protecting LGBTI people from harm across the globe.

un independent expert for sexuality & gender identity victor madrigal-borloz

un independent expert for sexuality & gender identity victor madrigal-borloz

Contributing to international LGBTI developments

As part of Trans Advocacy Week, the HRLC participated in a range of important discussions on the need to advance the rights of trans and gender diverse people worldwide.

The HRLC participated in a roundtable convened by UN Independent Expert Victor Madrigal-Borloz on legal recognition of gender, which will form the backbone for an upcoming report. Ensuring Australia implements best practices laws to improve international standards is important, and central to our My ID, My Identity campaign.

We thank the International LGBTI Association for its funding and support for the HRLC's Lee Carnie to attend the UN Human Rights Council session and CEDAW's review of Australia in July 2018.