Support our impact and have your donation doubled during Human Rights Week

Today we are in the Supreme Court of Victoria arguing that no child should be detained in Barwon maximum security adult prison – the State’s hardest and most notorious jail.

Children don’t belong in an adult jail. Your donation is critical to our work –  standing up for the rights of vulnerable people.

I was at Barwon prison again yesterday, visiting our clients. The conditions they are being held in are appalling: around 20 hours a day locked in cramped, concrete cells, with only 15 minutes a day in fresh air.

We ran a similar case last week on behalf of the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and the Government backed down, settling the case by agreeing not to transfer any Aboriginal children to an adult jail.

We won’t let the Government off the hook until they extend this promise to all children. All children deserve to be safe and to have the opportunity to reach their potential.

With your donation, we can defend the human rights of these children in detention. Thank you for supporting us to stand up for the rights of those who don’t have a voice.

Ruth Barson
Director of Legal Advocacy
Human Rights Law Centre
