A year of impact: Annual Report of the Human Rights Law Centre

We’re pleased to present our 2012/13 Annual Report.

The quality, volume and impact of the work detailed in this report is a great example of why donations to the Human Rights Law Centre were this year ranked as one of the Top 50 Philanthropic Gifts ever made in Australia.

Whether it’s securing landmark anti-discrimination protections, ensuring Australia is held to account at the UN, preventing the transfer of children into adult prisons or advancing marriage equality, the work of the Human Rights Law Centre results in both justice for individuals and systemic change.

Looking at our year of impact, it’s easy to ask how the Human Rights Law Centre achieves so much with just seven staff and a modest budget. The answer is partnerships. Our success relies on partnerships.

With less than 15% of our funding coming from government, your support is critical to achieving the impact we have on human rights law, policy and practice.

This week, donations to the Human Rights Law Centre are being matched, dollar for dollar, by our generous partners Allens, King & Wood Mallesons and Oak Foundation up to $41,800. So if you want to support principled human rights leadership, there’s never been a better time to donate to the Human Rights Law Centre.

Thanks for your support.
