Have your donation DOUBLED during Human Rights Week

Thank you! Thanks to over 250 passionate human rights supporters, we reached our matched-funding target of $125,200 during our 2014 Human Rights Week Appeal.

To celebrate Human Rights Week, our friends at Allens, Arnold Dallas McPherson, DLA Piper, King & Wood Mallesons, Lander & Rogers, Oak Foundation, Sand Hill Road, Small Giants and our board generously matched dollar for dollar donations during the appeal up to $62,600.


Whether it’s taking strategic legal action in the High Court, delivering evidence-based advocacy at the UN, securing legislative reform in parliament, producing ground-breaking research or building capacity in our community – we will defend human rights and stand for freedom, respect, dignity and equality. Thanks for standing with us!

(Obviously you can still make a donation, but it will no longer be doubled. Thank you.)
