Law Reform Commission to review Native Title Act

The Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus MP, has announced a new inquiry for the Australian Law Reform Commission ‒ a review of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).

“The Native Title Act turns twenty this year. The time has come to consider how to improve native title law and encourage faster, simpler resolution of native title claims for all parties,” Mr Dreyfus said.

“We must make sure that the law helps to unlock the economic potential of native title for Indigenous Australians. The draft terms of reference focus on proving connection to land and waters and authorisation, the laws which establish who can negotiate in particular circumstances. These are complex issues, which need detailed analysis and broad community consensus,” Mr Dreyfus said.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin said the Government would consult widely on the terms of reference and was open to adding new key issues to the Inquiry. “We want to hear from Indigenous peoples, representative bodies, farmers, miners, pastoralists and environmental groups about the issues they want considered by the Australian Law Reform Commission,” Ms Macklin said.

Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism, Gary Gray also welcomed the inquiry. “I would encourage all stakeholders, particularly those in the minerals and tourism industry, to have their views heard and make a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission,” Minister Gray said."

Source: Australian Law Reform Commission.