Support quality journalism and human rights: 20% of subscriptions to The Saturday Paper will go to the HRLC

To support/coincide with our End-of-Financial-Year Fundraising Appeal, our friends at The Saturday Paper will donate 20% to us from every subscription they receive from June 7 to July 7 using the promo code GiveHRLC.

An engaged and well informed public is vital for the health of our democracy. The type of quality, in-depth journalism that we read in The Saturday Paper helps our team stand up for human rights.

Don’t miss this opportunity to subscribe to a great independent publication and support the Human Rights Law Centre’s efforts to protect and promote human rights in Australia and beyond.

Subscribe today by clicking here or calling 1800 077 514 and make sure you use the promo code GiveHRLC.

Thank you,

Michelle Bennett
Director of Communications, 
Human Rights Law Centre 

Terms and conditions: 

1. The promotional code GiveHRLC must be entered for online orders, or clearly stated for telephone and mail orders. 

2. This is not a personal donation. 20% of the GST-exclusive subscription price will be donated to Human Rights Law Centre from The Saturday Paper Pty Ltd. The donation will not be connected to any individual subscriber's name, nor considered a donation for tax purposes. 

3. This offer is valid for print and digital subscriptions taken out via The SaturdayPaper website, phone or mail between June 7 and July 7, 2015 inclusive; it does not apply to any third-party subscription services such as iTunes. 

4. Some areas may not be deliverable to and confirmation will take approximately 10 to 14 business days. If we are unable to deliver to you address, we will not include the donation in the final amount.
