Legal and human rights groups condemn the heavy-handed, policing response to a public health emergency, rather than the much-needed support communities need to prevent COVID-19 transmission. We stand in solidarity with the 3000 people in hard lockdown.
Read MoreYesterday, the Australian Federal Police referred ABC journalist Dan Oaks, the journalist behind the Afghan Files, to the Commonwealth DPP to consider laying charges. The journalist’s stories, which uncovered alleged war crimes by Australian troops, prompted the AFP to raid the ABC’s headquarters last year, a move which was resoundingly condemned by journalists and the public.
Read MoreA Senate committee will today hear evidence about new laws that would allow the Morrison Government to stifle criticism of immigration detention, and cut off crucial support for the people detained. In a submission to the inquiry, the Human Rights Law Centre called for Parliament to reject the proposed laws.
Read MoreToday the Commonwealth Government is expected to release Closing the Gap justice targets to address the crisis of Aboriginal incarceration that would see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples waiting until 2093 to reach parity with non-Indigenous Australians.
Read MoreA coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, medical and human rights legal experts have today launched a campaign calling on all Australian governments to change laws that can lead to 10 year old kids being sent to prison.
Read MoreToday Western Australia’s Independent Inspector of Custodial Services released an alarming report on the use of routine restraints, such as handcuffs and leg shackles, on people in custody including pregnant women.
Read MoreAs the Federal Government faces further protests outside a makeshift detention centre in Brisbane, the Human Rights Law Centre has called for the Morrison Government to bring an end to its needless punitive detention of refugees.
Read MoreThe Australian Government should support an urgent resolution in the UN Human Rights Council for an independent investigation into systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protest in the US, say Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and human rights organisations.
Read MoreThe Palaszczuk Government is today expected to pass laws to limit political donations and spending in Queensland elections, with new amendments in place to ensure charities will still be able to advocate on issues like family violence, homelessness and protecting the environment.
Read MoreToday seven legal and human rights groups condemned the approach of many Australian governments to recent Black Lives Matter and refugee rights protests, stating it is inconsistent with our democratic rights and freedoms.
Read MoreWA police will no longer have the power to lock up people who cannot pay their fines with the passing of the Fines, Penalties and Infringement Notices Enforcement Amendment Bill 2019.
Read MoreNew laws that would see mobile phones stripped from refugees and people seeking asylum in immigration detention and massively expand invasive search procedures are an unjustified overreach of power, the Human Rights Law Centre has told a Senate Committee.
Read MoreToday Aboriginal and non-Indigenous legal, health and social justice organisations responded to Government claims that they were working on “ambitious” targets; and called for real and decisive action to end Blak deaths in custody.
Read MoreThe rise in racially motivated incidents targeting people from Asian backgrounds during the COVID-19 pandemic reinforces the need for the Andrew’s Government to fix Victoria’s anti-hate laws, a Parliamentary committee will be told today.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre is united in solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations who have long been fighting for an end to police brutality and mass imprisonment, and accountability for deaths in custody.
Read MoreThe safety and dignity of women seeking reproductive health services is a step closer to being protected in South Australia.
Read MoreChange the Record, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services and the Human Rights Law Centre have welcomed today’s High Court decision confirming that the use of tear gas on children in Don Dale in 2014 was unlawful.
Read MoreChange the Record calls on state, territory and Commonwealth governments to commit to end Aboriginal deaths in custody in the wake of George Floyd’s death in America - which followed two fatal police shootings here in Australia late last year.
Read MoreFourteen members of the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO) including the Human Rights Law Centre express deep concern over the escalation in police responses to protests in the USA over the past week.
Read MoreA coalition of civil society organisations, unions and academics has called on the Department of Home Affairs to include union and human rights experts in the newly established Modern Slavery Expert Advisory Group to ensure workers’ rights and not just the interests of business are at the centre of the Government’s plan to eradicate modern slavery.
Read MoreAn alliance of civil society and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and senior academics have told the Senate Committee tasked with investigating the Morrison Government's response to COVID-19 that there must be greater oversight of places of detention both during the pandemic and beyond.
Read MoreWhile there are some promising developments in the Victorian Government's new Youth Justice Strategic Plan particularly the Strategy’s focus on early intervention, diversion, and restorative justice – the Strategy does not include a clear roadmap during the ten year period for keeping kids under 14 out of prison.
Read MoreWe are proud to join leading human rights and corporate accountability organisations from around the world calling on governments, business and investors to ensure responsible business conduct and accountability during the COVID-19 crisis.
Read MoreHuman rights groups have slammed another attempt by the Government to avoid responsibility and scrutiny for their inhumane policy of mandatory, indefinite detention.
Read MoreAhead of Rio Tinto’s Australian annual general meeting (AGM) this Thursday, the Catholic Diocese of Bougainville and local landowners have called on the British-Australian mining giant to address the legacy of environmental destruction created by its former Panguna mine on the Pacific island.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government must take action to protect the children, women and men held in its care in immigration detention in Australia and offshore in Nauru and Papua New Guinea, the Human Rights Law Centre has told the Senate Select Committee into COVID-19 in an urgent submission.
Read MoreSix civil society groups are today calling on the NSW State Parliament to immediately reconvene regular sittings, in a way that is safe, so it can debate and address important matters of public concern.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre has joined a call from over 180 civil society organisations to extend critical COVID-19 support to temporary visa holders, including refugees and people seeking asylum.
Read MoreIn an important decision, the Supreme Court of Victoria has found that the Victorian Government has prima facie breached their duty to take reasonable care for the health of a person behind bars during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreThe Federal Government should permanently raise social security payments and end the demonisation of those locked out of paid work to ensure that no child or adult in Australia is trapped in poverty.
Read MoreThe Fitzroy Legal Service and Human Rights Law Centre have filed a case in the Supreme Court of Victoria arguing that the Andrews Government must take steps to keep people in prison and the broader community safe from the risks posed by COVID-19.
Read MoreAustralia’s ranking in the World Press Freedom Index has fallen by five places in the latest annual assessment from Reporters Without Borders to 26th place behind countries such as Ireland, Uruguay, Germany, and Latvia.
Read MoreA legal challenge against Minister Peter Dutton and the Department of Home Affairs on behalf of a person in immigration detention relating to COVID-19 has been filed in the High Court by the Human Rights Law Centre.
Read MoreToday the High Court unanimously ruled that the warrant relied on by the Australian Federal Police to raid the home of News Corporation journalist Annika Smethurst was invalid, and the raid was therefore unlawful. However laws that criminalise public interest reporting remain in place, leaving journalists and whistleblowers exposed to police investigation and prosecution.
Read MoreNew powers in the COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill 2020, which passed South Australia’s Parliament last night, should be used urgently to ensure women can access abortion without being unnecessarily exposed to increased risk of COVID-19 infection.
Read MoreIn a landmark decision, the Coroner in the inquest into Tanya Day's death in police custody has referred Victoria Police officers to the Director of Public Prosecutions for criminal investigation, saying that she believes “an indictable offence may have been committed”.
Read MoreToday, the Coroner in the inquest into our mum’s death referred two police officers for criminal investigation. This isn’t the end of the road, but it is the beginning of justice for our mum. This is a historic day for Aboriginal people in this country, and a bitter-sweet day for our family.
Read MoreMore than 200 not-for-profit and community organisations have backed a major report calling on the Australian Government to strengthen its commitment to human rights in its laws, policies and practices.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre welcomed the Senate’s vote today to establish a cross-party Senate Select Committee to provide democratic oversight and scrutiny of the Morrison Government’s response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Read MoreHuman rights and privacy experts have called on Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt to explain privacy and surveillance issues arising from the Federal Government’s recently launched Coronavirus Australia app. The app has been downloaded over 500,000 times in Australia, yet there is little publicly available information about what data is being collected from people and how that private information is being used and kept safe.
Read MoreThe Coroner investigating the death in police custody of Yorta Yorta woman, Tanya Day, will hand down her findings on 9 April 2020. The findings will be delivered via video link, five months after the coronial inquest concluded, and over two years since Tanya’s death.
Read MoreWe are proud to join the Migrant Workers Centre and more than 120 other civil society, faith, business, union and migrant organisations across Australia to call on the Morrison Government to urgently expand its wage subsidy JobKeeper scheme.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre is calling for strong safeguards as governments grant police new, sweeping powers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreIn this moment of crisis, from our desks at home, we are working across the country to make sure our governments are responding appropriately, fairly and in a way that does not undermine our human rights and democracy for years to come.
Read MoreA coalition of human rights lawyers have today called on the Morrison Government to act urgently to ensure the safety of the women and men held in its care in onshore immigration detention centers.
Read MoreEight legal and civil society groups have today called on the Australian Senate to establish a Select Committee with broad powers to review and report on the Federal Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreIn order to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Australian Government and health experts have recommended that we use the most effective measure to help ‘flatten the curve’: social distancing. This is, however, impossible in our prisons.
Read MoreMining giant Rio Tinto is responsible for multiple human rights violations caused by pollution from its former mine on the Pacific island of Bougainville, the Human Rights Law Centre concludes in a major new investigative report released this week.
Read MoreIn the midst of the public health emergency that is COVID-19, prisons must not be given a free pass to subject people to harmful and outdated practices like solitary confinement, the Human Rights Law Centre has told the Royal Commision into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
Read MoreAny attempt by the Morrison Government to turn the Northern Territory into a Cashless Debit Card trial site during the COVID-19 pandemic would be irresponsible and potentially deadly.
Read MoreIn the face of so much change and uncertainty, standing up for kindness, dignity and defending human rights – particularly the rights of the most vulnerable in our community – is more important than ever.
Read MoreStarting today, our whole team will be working remotely. We’ve also cancelled all travel and are moving meetings and activities online.
While our physical offices in both Melbourne and Sydney will be closed, our work protecting and promoting human rights continues unabated.
Read MoreLimits on the amount of money political parties, candidates and campaigners can spend on elections are needed to restore trust in democracy and achieve greater political equality, a Parliamentary Committee will hear today.
Read MoreThe Andrews Government must take a stand against rising hate in the Victorian community, say a coalition of Union, civil society, faith-based and human rights groups who will give evidence on Wednesday to a Parliamentary Inquiry considering proposed changes to Victoria’s anti-vilification laws.
Read MoreAbdul Aziz Muhamat, a refugee and human rights defender, addressed the United Nations in Geneva to call out the Morrison Government’s continued cruel treatment of people still held on Nauru and in Papua New Guinea.
Read MoreAs International Women’s Day nears, the UN has heard that Australia is set to undermine people’s healthcare, while giving religious bodies unprecedented privileges to discriminate with laws that will make it harder for women to access contraception and abortion.
Read MoreChief law-makers in Australia must promote the rights of children with a commitment to raise the age at which children can be locked up, the Human Rights Law Centre has told a Working Group tasked to consider the age of legal responsibility.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre’s Executive Director Hugh de Kretser is taking a four month break on long service leave, travelling abroad with his family. We’re excited to announce that Ruth Barson and Daniel Webb will be stepping in as Executive Director jointly sharing the role.
Read MoreLaws that require telecommunication companies to keep records of every single Australian’s phone calls, text messages and movements for at least two years must be amended to prevent the indiscriminate invasion of people’s privacy, a Parliamentary Committee heard today.
Read More“Queensland has a historic opportunity to have the best laws in the country for regulating the influence of money in politics. But first, the proposed laws need significant amendment to ensure not only that charities can continue to speak up, but that big corporate spending is reined in,” said Alice Drury.
Read MoreThe safety and dignity of women seeking reproductive health services is a step closer to being protected in Western Australia, with the Government today committing to introduce laws to end the harassment of women at the doors of abortion clinics.
Read MoreWomen’s rights and legal experts have warned that the Morrison Government’s latest version of the Religious Discrmimination Bill threatens to erode decades of progress on reproductive healthcare access.
Read MorePeople’s healthcare will be undermined, while religious bodies are given unprecedented privileges to discriminate in the revised Religious Discrimination Bill, the Human Rights Law Centre has warned in a submission to the Attorney-General’s Department.
Read MoreToday the International Commission of Jurists, Victoria announced David Burke, Legal Director with the Human Rights Law Centre, as the winner of the 2020 John Gibson Award for his work defending the rights of refugees and people seeking asylum.
Read MoreThe Australian Electoral Commission today released data revealing how much each political party and campaigners spent in the 2019 Federal election, and the donations used to fund those campaigns.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre is strengthening its work by joining the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO). INCLO is a network of 15 independent, national human rights organisations from different countries working together to promote fundamental rights and freedoms.
Read MoreThe Palaszczuk Government’s Bill to limit political donations and election spending will have the unintended consequence of silencing charities and community groups unless it is amended, legal, human rights and civil society groups will tell a parliamentary committee today.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre today released expert advice by a team of Queensland barristers led by Stephen Keim SC that warns that the Palaszczuk Government’s proposed changes to Queensland electoral laws could face a High Court challenge.
Read MoreThe Palaszczuk Government’s bill to limit political donations and election spending will have the unintended consequence of silencing charities and community groups unless it is amended, legal experts told a parliamentary committee today.
Read MoreDo you have a passion for human rights, political nous and experience in building and harnessing sector and community support for social change and law reform? The Human Rights Law Centre is seeking two campaigners to join our team.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government’s amendments to the Religious Discrimination Bill have made the bill worse overall, the Human Rights Law Centre has warned.
Read MoreQueensland’s new anti-protest laws have come under fire from United Nations experts who warn that the laws unduly restrict freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of speech.
Read MoreToday as we celebrate Human Rights Day, we are delighted to launch our Annual Report for 2019.
Read MoreThis week you can double your impact. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar during Human Rights Week by our appeal sponsors.
Read MoreThe South Australian Government should demonstrate a commitment to women’s health and equality and decriminalise abortion, the Human Rights Law Centre said today in response to a report critical of the state’s outdated abortion laws.
Read MoreAustralia’s status as an open democracy has been downgraded in a blunt assessment released this week by a global alliance of human rights organisations.
Read MoreMuch-needed restraints on law enforcement powers to decrypt people’s devices like mobiles and computers are welcome, the Human Rights Law Centre said today.
Read MoreNow that the Government has ripped away a medical solution it is more urgent than ever that they ensure every single person is resettled to safety.
Read MoreToday the Australian Government has stripped away a humane, transparent and doctor-led process for the refugees in its care on PNG and Nauru to access essential medical care.
Read MoreThe Palaszczuk Government today introduced the Electoral and Other Legislation (Accountability, Integrity and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2019 that would limit political donations and spending in Queensland elections.
Read MoreThis week all Australian Attorneys-General will have a historic opportunity to promote the rights of children with a commitment to raise the age at which children can be locked up.
Read MoreThe full bench of the Federal Court of Australia today dismissed the Morrison Government’s appeal of a Federal Court decision that required it to consider Medevac applications of sick women and men in Nauru who are barred from engaging in telehealth consultations with Australian doctors.
Read MoreProposed laws that would require real-time disclosure of political donations would strengthen democracy, but amendments are needed to ensure they operate fairly, the Human Rights Law Centre said today.
Read MoreSouth Australia’s Parliament should pass sensible and proportionate safe access zone laws, which are needed to promote the safety and privacy of women accessing abortion healthcare.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre today urged the Australian Senate to reject the Morrison Government’s Medevac repeal bill – the Migration Amendment (Repairing Medical Transfers) Bill 2019 – which has been listed for debate in Parliament on Wednesday.
Read MoreThe Full Bench of the Federal Court will today hear the Morrison Government’s appeal from a Federal Court ruling that requires the Government to consider applications under the Medevac laws where doctors provide reports based on detailed medical records.
Read MoreA new report by the panel of medical experts appointed by the Australian Government under the Medevac laws shows that the laws are working. The Medevac laws allow independent Australian doctors to recommend medical transfers for ill people detained offshore.
Read MoreThe children of Tanya Day – Belinda, Warren, Apryl and Kimberly – have been awarded the Tim McCoy Award for their outstanding achievement in advocacy of human rights and justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria.
Read MoreRight now, across Australia, Aboriginal people are being killed by police.
We’d like to send our condolences to Kumanjayi Walker’s family. Just this weekend, Kumanjayi, a young 19 year old Aboriginal man, was shot and killed by police in his home.
Read More“We know that our mum died in custody because police targeted her for being drunk in public and then failed to properly care for her after they locked her up. We know that racism was a cause of our mum’s death. Both individual police officers and Victoria Police as a whole must be held to account. Without accountability, more Aboriginal people will die in custody.”
Read MoreProtest rights in Australia should be strengthened, not weakened the Human Rights Law Centre said in response to the Prime Minister’s announcement today that he will look to outlaw environmental campaigns targeting businesses.
Read MoreAustralia’s human rights record is set to face intense scrutiny in 2020 when the Australian Government appears before the Human Rights Council in Geneva for its major four yearly human rights review.
Read MoreThe Palaszczuk Government’s announcement today that it will limit political donations and spending in Queensland elections has the potential to be a game changing reform to strengthen Queensland democracy.
Read MoreShocking stories of police brutally show the need for immediate action by the Andrews Government to provide Victoria’s police corruption watchdog (IBAC) the power and tools it needs to independently investigate serious police misconduct, so that police are not investigating their own.
Read MoreQueensland Parliament today passed a law that criminalises peaceful protest tactics and infringes Queenslanders’ right to freedom of expression, association and assembly.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government’s plans to implement a facial recognition scheme that endangered rights to privacy have been thwarted after a parliamentary review.
Read MoreA proposed law that would allow the Morrison Government to force a new form of income control onto thousands of people in the Northern Territory should be rejected, the Human Rights Law Centre has told a Senate Committee.
Read MoreA Senate Committee report released today shows that the Medevac laws are working as intended. The laws, passed in February 2019, allow doctors to recommend that people be evacuated from Nauru and Papua New Guinea to Australia for medical treatment.
There is a grave risk the Morrison Government is “stumbling zombie-like into a digital welfare dystopia” if serious changes aren’t made to Australia’s social security system, the United Nations expert on poverty has warned.
Read MoreA proposed law that criminalises peaceful protest tactics would infringe Queenslanders’ right to freedom of expression, association and assembly, human rights lawyers told a parliamentary committee in Queensland.
Read MoreTomorrow the case against former senior Australian Secret Intelligence Service officer, Witness K, is due to be heard in the ACT Magistrates Court.
Read MoreUN child rights experts have called on all Australian Governments to raise the age at which they can lock children up from 10 to 14 years and to ban the use of solitary confinement and the use of force including restraints on children.
Read MoreNSW parliament should not pass a proposed law that would unfairly and unreasonably impact on peoples’ freedom to peacefully protest.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government must ensure that the rights of doctors to freedom of religion do not unfairly trump the rights of people to non-discriminatory health care, the Human Rights Law Centre said in its submission on the Religious Discrimination Bill.
Read MoreJournalists and whistleblowers will continue to face prosecution and jail time for revealing government misconduct and abuse, despite the Attorney-General’s announcement, warned the Human Rights Law Centre.
Read MoreNSW Parliament has passed historic laws today decriminalising abortion. Women in NSW will finally have the freedom to decide what is right for their bodies without fear of criminal prosecution.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government’s attempt to force a new form of income control in the Northern Territory should be opposed, the Human Rights Law Centre has told a Senate Committee inquiring into the Bill.
Read MoreLaws that promote the safety, dignity and privacy of women accessing reproductive healthcare could soon be a reality in South Australia.
Read MoreThe Australian Government has used its voice at the UN Human Rights Council to raise concerns of serious human rights abuses committed by Saudi authorities.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government’s plan to impose drastic new regulations on unions is unnecessary, unreasonable and will undermine workers’ ability to stand together, the Human Rights Law Centre told a parliamentary committee today.
Read MoreA landmark, new standard has been set in international human rights guidelines with the expert UN Child Rights Committee recommending laws be changed to ensure that children under the age of 16 years "may not legally be deprived of their liberty".
Read MoreLeading civil society groups say caps on election spending are vital to restoring democracy and achieving greater political equality.
Read MoreThis Friday 20 September, the Human Rights Law Centre team will take part in the Climate Strikes being led by incredible young advocates around the world who are stepping up to reclaim our future. We strongly encourage everyone who is able to join us on Friday and be a part of this inspiring movement.
Read MoreA new report by the Independent Health Advice Panel shows that the Medevac laws, which allow independent Australian doctors to recommend medical transfers for seriously ill people detained offshore, are working.
Read MoreThe NSW Parliament must listen to the people of New South Wales and pass the bill to decriminalise abortion without further delay.
Read MoreThe Medevac laws are an important safeguard that is helping to ensure vital medical treatment for seriously unwell refugees held by the Australian Government on Nauru and Manus, the Human Rights Law Centre will tell a Senate inquiry today.
Read MorePress Conference: The family of Tanya Day will read a statement and take questions from the media at 3:45pm today in Melbourne.
Read MoreWatch the statement a 12 year old Arrernte/Garrwa child from central Australia delivered to the UN Human Rights Council.
Read MoreThis week at the United Nations in Geneva, the Committee on the Rights of the Child is reviewing the Australian Government’s track record when it comes to upholding and protecting the rights of children.
Read MoreTomorrow in Geneva, a 12 year old Arrernte/Garrwa boy from central Australia, will give a heartfelt speech at the world’s peak human rights body with a simple message for Australian governments: stop sending 10 year old children to to prison.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government’s plans for a facial recognition identification and surveillance scheme are dangerously overbroad, lack safeguards and could dramatically alter the freedom of ordinary people going about their daily lives.
Read MoreThe Coroner investigating the death in police custody of Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day has released the CCTV footage of the moment when Tanya Day fell and hit her head when she was locked in a police cell in Castlemaine.
Read MoreSolitary confinement is an archaic way of treating people and is now known to inflict long term and irreversible harm. Today, in a damning report, the Victorian Ombudsman has called on the Andrews Government to prohibit in law the use of solitary confinement.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government’s proposed Religious Discrimination Bill fails to strike a fair balance between freedom of religion and the rights of other people, the Human Rights Law Centre has warned.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government’s plan to impose drastic new regulations on unions is unnecessary, unreasonable and will undermine workers’ ability to stand together, the Human Rights Law Centre, the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Public Interest Advocacy Centre and NSW CLC told a parliamentary committee.
Read MoreThe coronial inquest into the death in police custody of Yorta Yorta woman, Tanya Day, commences today.
Read MoreIn the week before the inquest into Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day’s death in police custody, the Andrews Government has announced that it will abolish the offence of public drunkenness and replace it with an Aboriginal-led, public health response.
Read MoreThe decision by the Berejiklian Government to delay voting on the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill in the Legislative Council displays a lack of respect for NSW women, the Human Rights Law Centre has said.
Read MoreThe New South Wales Parliament has a historic opportunity to bring its 119 year old abortion laws into the 21st Century this week.
Read MoreDoctors, human rights lawyers and advocates have urged the Morrison Government to listen to expert advice about the need for doctors to be at the heart of medical assessments for sick refugees on Manus and Nauru, as the reporting deadline closes to the senate inquiry investigating the Medevac repeal bill.
Read MoreWhere implemented, bans on sex-selective abortions inhibit women’s timely access to healthcare. Such a ban in NSW would undermine women’s health and autonomy, while doing nothing about the societal attitudes and structures that see women discriminated against in many facets of their lives.
Read MoreThe NSW Legislative Council must remove abortion from the Crimes Act by passing the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019 without further amendment or delay, the Human Rights Law Centre has told a parliamentary inquiry.
Read MoreThe June 2019 Australian Federal Police raids on journalist Annika Smethurst’s home and the headquarters of the ABC highlight the need to rein in secrecy and mass surveillance laws that damage Australia’s democracy, the Human Rights Law Centre will tell a parliamentary inquiry today.
Read MoreThe passage of the NSW Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill through the Legislative Assembly is a long awaited step towards decriminalisation of abortion in NSW.
Read MoreParliament must reject the proposed amendments to the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill, which seek to make it harder for women to access reproductive healthcare than it already is under current law in NSW.
Read MoreThe bill currently being debated to decriminalize abortion in NSW allows for a medical practitioner to perform an abortion after 22 weeks gestation where they have consulted with another medical practitioner and both consider the abortion appropriate in all the circumstances. It has been suggested that the bill should be amended to reduce the gestation period to 20 weeks. This briefing note explains why that would undermine the reproductive health outcomes of women.
Read MoreMore than 70 health, legal, community and women’s organisations have joined together today to launch an open letter calling on members of parliament to be on the right side of history, and vote in support of the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019 that will be brought before parliament this week.
Read MoreThe New South Wales Parliament has a historic opportunity to bring its 119 year old abortion laws into the 21st Century.
Read MoreToday, the Human Rights Law Centre welcomes the Federal Government’s appointment of Mr John Southalan as the first-ever Australian independent examiner charged with investigating reported instances of corporate misconduct by Australian multinationals.
Read MoreThe June 2019 AFP raids on Annika Smethurst’s home and the headquarters of the ABC should be the turning point to end law enforcement overreach and mass surveillance that damages Australia’s open democracy, the Human Rights Law Centre told a parliamentary inquiry.
Read MoreNewly obtained data shows that in one month, 403 strip searches were conducted on children at two youth prisons in NSW. Only one item – a ping pong ball – was found as a result of these strip searches.
Read MoreThe New South Wales Parliament should demonstrate its commitment to women’s health and equality by passing a bill to modernise the state’s archaic abortion laws.
Read MoreWe would like to congratulate the outstanding members of the Human Rights Law Centre community who have been recognised and awarded in the 2019 Australia Day Honours.
Read MoreAmidst reports last week of the extraordinarily high rate at which the Australian Federal Police accessed the communications history of journalists, the Human Right Law Centre, Digital Rights Watch and Access Now have called on the Morrison Government to urgently reform metadata laws.
Read MoreThis week marks six years of suffering for around 800 men and women still detained indefinitely by the Morrison Government on Manus Island and Nauru.
Read MoreThe Queensland Government’s decision to move kids out of police watch houses “as soon as humanly possible” is welcomed, but the Human Rights Law Centre calls on the Government to publicly commit to a long-term solution so that no child is warehoused in a police watch house again.
Read MoreThe Australian Government should repeal laws that strip Australian dual nationals of their citizenship and place them at an unacceptable risk of the statelessness, family separation and indefinite detention, the Human Rights Law Centre said in a submission to a Parliamentary committee.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre joined 14 other non-governmental organisations to express concern about the governments of Human Rights Council members attacking and discrediting UN experts when human rights abuses by Council members are called out.
Read MoreDuring NAIDOC week, the Human Rights Law Centre is joining the National Peak Body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) to call on the Federal Government to commit to retaining the Indigenous Legal Assistance Program (ILAP).
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre and Equality Australia have joined over 1300 non-governmental organisations from 174 countries in calling for the renewal of the UN role focusing on the rights of LGBTQ people around the world.
Read MoreKing & Wood Mallesons (KWM) and The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Law Faculty have announced the launch of an internship program specifically for Indigenous students studying law at the university.
Read MorePeople experiencing mental illness are being criminalised rather than supported in the community, the Human Rights Law Centre has said in a submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.
Read MoreThe UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture announced they will visit Australia to shine a light on abuses in places of detention, including adult prisons, youth prisons, police lock-ups and immigration detention facilities.
Read MoreThis week the United Nations heard a scathing statement about a discriminatory Federal Government parenting scheme that targets Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and single mothers.
Read MoreOvernight the United Nations Human Rights Council heard of the alarming rates at which Australian governments are imprisoning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.
Read MorePaying another company to run the Australian Government’s offshore detention centre on Manus Island will not end the suffering of the men still trapped on the remote island, the Human Rights Law Centre said today in response to reports the Morrison Government will terminate Paladin’s contract once another company is appointed.
Read MoreAbdul Aziz Muhamat, a refugee and human rights defender, addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva overnight to call out the Morrison Government’s continued cruel treatment of over 800 people still held on Nauru and Manus Island.
Read MoreThe Coroner in the inquest into Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day’s death in police custody has agreed to look at whether systemic racism played a role in Ms Day’s treatment and ultimate death.
Read MoreHuman Rights Law Centre Executive Director Hugh de Kretser recently returned from Stanford University where he participated in the Executive Program for Nonprofit Leaders.
Read MoreYesterday, the Federal Court of Australia ruled that the Australian Government has to consider applications for refugees on Manus and Nauru made under the Medevac laws that are made in line with standard Australian medical practices.
Read MoreUN experts have once again urged the Australian Government to immediately provide healthcare to over 800 refugees in its care on Manus and Nauru and transfer those identified as requiring urgent care to Australia.
Read MoreHuman rights champion and former Socceroo Craig Foster delivered a powerful speech at our annual fundraising dinner in Melbourne on 24 May 2019. Download Craig’s speech here.
Read MoreDevelopments in technology should not come at the cost of our human rights, the Human Rights Law Centre has told the United Nations’ independent expert on poverty.
Read MoreAnother man held by the Australian Government on Manus Island attempted suicide yesterday amidst an unprecedented medical crisis on Manus and Nauru. More than 50 incidents of attempted suicide and self-harm have been reported among the refugees on Manus and Nauru in the weeks since Federal Election.
Read MoreIn collaboration with international NGOs, the Human Rights Law Centre has written to UN member countries to plea for the UN’s human rights mechanisms to be adequately funded.
Read MoreAustralian Federal Police raids on journalists and news outlets are part of a damaging trend of attacks on press freedom and democracy in Australia, said the Human Rights Law Centre.
Read MoreWestern Australia and South Australia must decriminalise abortion and put in place laws that promote safe access to reproductive healthcare, the Human Rights Law Centre said in submissions to separate reviews in South Australia and Western Australia.
Read MoreTo strengthen democracy and trust in politics, the NSW public must know who is influencing political decisions, the Human Rights Law Centre stated in a submission to the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Read MoreAfter six years of offshore detention there is an unprecedented medical crisis on Manus and Nauru. Men and women, who have been detained by the Australian Government, are experiencing a wide range of serious health conditions ranging from people who are acutely suicidal, to people with serious heart conditions that cannot be treated on the islands.
Read MoreI woke up this morning thinking of the men and women still held by the Australian Government on Manus and Nauru after six long years.
Thinking of First Nations people, LGBTIQ communities, migrant communities and others.
Read MoreAustralians can be justifiably proud of our democratic institutions and culture. We have a strong, inclusive electoral system based on the idea of a universal suffrage. But we can’t take our voting rights for granted.
Read MoreTonight’s Four Corners investigation, Inside the Watch House, raises serious questions about whether the Queensland Government is breaching its own laws by warehousing children in police cells designed for adults.
Read MoreThe Australian Council of Social Service, the Australian Conservation Foundation and the Human Rights Law Centre today welcomed Labor’s election commitments that would protect and encourage public advocacy in the community and charity sectors.
Read MoreOn World Press Freedom day the Human Rights Law Centre called on the Australian Government to fully protect whilstleblowers who act in the public interest and expose misconduct, corruption, human rights abuses and other wrongdoing in government.
Read MoreThe NSW ProChoice Alliance today launched its NSW abortion decriminalisation campaign in Sydney as peak legal, health and community organisations signalled a commitment to have abortion removed from the NSW Crimes Act and regulated like any other health procedure.
Read MoreThe hearing in the coronial inquest into Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day’s death in police custody continues today, as new data shows that at the time of Tanya Day’s death in 2017, Aboriginal women were 10 times more likely to be targeted for public drunkenness than non-Indigenous women.
Read MoreThe third directions hearing into the tragic death in police custody of Yorta Yorta woman, Tanya Day, will be held on Tuesday 30 April.
Read MorePeople in prison in Western Australia were subjected to close to 1 million strip searches over the past 5 years, a shocking report by the Independent Inspector of Custodial Services has found.
Read MoreLast night, in a damning attack on the Australian Government’s offshore refugee camp on Nauru, the Former President of Nauru, Sprent Dabwido, said the agreement with Australia was a mistake, describing it as a ‘deal with the devil.’ Mr Dabwido likened the policy, under which the Australian Government has indefinitely detained refugees on the tiny island nation for up to six years, to ‘torture.’
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre will today provide a submission to a Northern Territory Parliamentary Committee supporting landmark reforms to youth justice laws, however arguing that the Government should follow through with its promise to raise the age of criminal responsibility.
Read MoreOn the anniversary of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, over 80 Aboriginal, health, human rights, housing, legal and women’s organisations are calling on Premier Andrews to abolish the offence of public drunkenness – a key recommendation of the Royal Commission.
Read MoreLawyers for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange confirmed overnight that they have received a warrant and a provisional extradition request from the United States. The US indictment charges Assange with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for his role assisting whistleblower Chelsea Manning to leak US government information including evidence of civilian deaths and potential war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Read MoreToday, in a landmark decision, the High Court confirmed that women have the right to safely and privately access reproductive healthcare without being accosted and intimidated. Sensible laws that prohibit harassment outside abortion clinics are here to stay.
Read MoreLaws that promote the safety, dignity and privacy of women seeking reproductive healthcare have been upheld by the High Court of Australia.
Read MoreToday at 10:15am the High Court of Australia will issue its judgment in response to a challenge to Victoria and Tasmania’s safe access zone laws.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre condemns the Morrison Government’s decision to disband the Indigenous Legal Assistance Program – ignoring its own Government-commissioned report and 50 years of strong evidence.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre joined community organisations to call on the Parliament not to rush to pass more income tax cuts before the elections, and to reverse those already legislated to go to high income-earners after 2020.
Read MoreIn response to the Report of the Senate Inquiry into ParentsNext, including its trial and subsequent broader rollout, a broad coalition of service providers, human rights bodies, peak bodies, researchers and advocates today calls time on ParentsNext.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government cannot delay scrapping its discriminatory ParentsNext program, with a Senate Inquiry finding that the program is causing “anxiety, distress and harm” for many parents, including for women escaping violence.
Read MoreNational Congress, APO NT, ACOSS, NTCOSS and Human Rights Law Centre condemn the Morrison Government’s announcement today that it will force people in the Northern Territory under income management to use the cashless debit card, saying it will continue discrimination against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Read MoreAboriginal and human rights organisations today welcomed the Australian Medical Association’s call for all states and territories to raise the age when children can be held criminally responsible to at least 14 years.
Read MoreTanya Day’s family is calling on Premier Daniel Andrews and Attorney General Jill Hennessy to end deaths in custody by changing the law in Victoria.
Read MoreThe second directions hearing in the coronial inquest into Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day’s death in police custody will commence today.
Read MoreThe second directions hearing into the tragic death in police custody of Yorta Yorta woman, Tanya Day, will be held on Tuesday 19 March.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government has failed to sign on to an International Women’s Day statement at the United Nations calling for access to safe abortions, comprehensive sexuality education and sexual reproductive health.
Read MoreThe Supreme Court today overturned the sentence of a 12 year old Aboriginal boy caught up by Western Australia’s draconian mandatory sentencing laws.
Read MoreOn International Women’s Day the UN will hear that the Australian Government is penalising single mothers with babies as young as six months through a punitive program that is making life harder for parents.
Read MoreThe United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, used her address to the 40th session of the UN Human Rights Council to highlight some of the world’s worst human rights abuses and called out the Australian Government’s treatment of refugees and people seeking asylum.
Read MoreThe safety, wellbeing and dignity of women seeking reproductive health care in Western Australia will be at risk over the next 40 days, as anti-abortionists commence a 40 day picket for Lent.
Read MoreAbdul Aziz Muhamat, a refugee and human rights defender, who has spent nearly six years detained by the Australian Government on Manus Island, overnight addressed the UN Human Rights Council to highlight the Morrison Government’s inhumane treatment of people seeking asylum.
Read MoreKey national organisations have banded together to oversee and ensure the timely and orderly assessment of applications for medical transfers under the “Medevac Bill” by creating the Medical Evacuation Response Group (Medevac Group).
Read MoreOver the last three years Anna Brown, Lee Carnie and the rest of the HRLC team helped secure many important reforms, won a number of landmark legal cases, and helped to shift community attitudes in partnership with LGBTIQ+ community organisations.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre couldn’t do what we do without the generous support of our pro bono partners. Congratulations to the Victorian Bar pro bono awards celebrate the significant pro bono contribution of Victorian barristers.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre is excited to support the establishment of Equality Australia, Australia’s first national LGBTIQ+ legal advocacy and campaigning organisation to continue the unfinished business of achieving equality for LGBTIQ+ people.
Read MoreHistory has been made with the Palaszczuk Government’s Human Rights Bill passing the Queensland Parliament today. Queensland now joins Victoria and the ACT as the third Australian jurisdiction with a Human Rights Act or Charter.
Read MoreSince joining the Human Rights Law Centre, Anna Brown has been at the forefront of nearly every major reform for LGBTI people in recent years.
Read MoreAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and human rights organisations have told a Senate committee inquiring into the Federal Government’s ParentsNext program that it should recommend scrapping the program. The Government’s punitive ParentsNext program is making life harder for mums with babies as young as six months.
Read MoreIn response to tonight’s Four Corners episode, Criminalising women, legal and human rights organisations are calling on the Andrews Government to drastically cut the number of women being criminalised and imprisoned in Victoria.
Read MoreThe inquest into the death of 23-year-old refugee Omid Masoumali on Nauru will commence in the Coroners Court of Queensland in Brisbane on Monday 25 February.
Read MoreAbdul Aziz Muhamat, a refugee and human rights defender, who has spent nearly six years detained by the Australian Government on Manus Island, was overnight awarded the prestigious Martin Ennals Award.
Read MoreTransgender people across Western Australia are celebrating today, following the WA Parliament finally removing outdated laws forcing them to divorce the person they love in order to update their birth certificate.
Read MoreRefugee and human rights organisations rejoiced today as the House of Representatives overturned 90 years of tradition and a toxic debate to vote authoritatively to deliver medical care to the refugees who have spent almost six years detained offshore.
Read MoreAmid delays to evacuations and more court proceedings on behalf of sick refugees, lawyers have called on the Federal Government to allow desperately needed reform to the offshore medical transfer process.
Read MoreSince joining the Human Rights Law Centre, Daniel Webb has tirelessly fought for the rights of refugees and people seeking asylum. Now, after seven years, he is taking a year-long break from his role to work on government transparency and anti-corruption initiatives in the Pacific region with Transparency International.
Read MoreA punitive Government parenting program is making life harder for mums with babies as young as six months, and raises questions about compliance with Australia’s sex and race discrimination laws.
Read MoreQueensland’s Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee has given the thumbs up to the creation of a Human Rights Act. The Committee tabled its report last night and a final vote will take place in the Parliament in the coming months.
Read MoreA Government proposal to address the medical crisis engulfing critically ill refugees detained offshore has been firmly rejected as window dressing on the existing unconscionable process which has seen 12 people die in offshore detention in the past five years.
Read MoreAustralia’s first national LGBTQI+ legal advocacy and campaigning organisation Equality Australia, welcomed today’s pledge by the Andrews Government to provide in principle support to funding counselling and support services for survivors of ‘gay conversion therapy’ and establish an expert working group to draft legislation to prohibit conversion therapy.
Read MoreLawyers, doctors and caseworkers welcomed the news that all of the critically sick children detained by the Australian government on Nauru were now receiving the medical care they need in Australia and the remaining children would be resettled in the US.
Read MoreThe Government’s proposed new laws to enhance the Home Affairs Minister’s powers to strip citizenship from dual nationals would unnecessarily place Australians and their children at risk of statelessness and harm, the Human Rights Law Centre has warned a parliamentary committee this week.
Read MoreShocking stories of police brutality, misconduct and malicious prosecution revealed over the past 48 hours show the need for immediate action to hold Victoria police to account.
Read MoreLawyers, advocates and victims of police abuse are again calling on the Andrews Government to take action and introduce an independent body to investigate police misconduct, as horrific new cases of police brutality come to light.
Read MoreSerious human rights abuses in the overseas operations of some of Australia’s most prominent companies have been highlighted in a major report by the Human Rights Law Centre.
Read MoreAustralia’s national security and intelligence agencies must be more accountable and transparent, the Human Rights Law Centre has told an independent national review.
Read MoreA big thank you to all of our supporters and partners for another fantastic year of human rights impact.
Read MoreAt ANZ’s annual general meeting in Perth this morning, questions will be asked of CEO Shayne Elliott about the bank’s failure to compensate Cambodian farmers pushed off their land to make way for an ANZ-funded sugar plantation.
Read MoreSurvivors and LGBTQI+ legal advocacy body Equality Australia, have welcomed the recent changes to the ALP’s platform on religious “conversion therapy”, saying the shift away from a focus on criminalisation to broader strategies in partnership with affected communities will provide better long-term outcomes for LGBTQI+ survivors.
Read MoreThis week, you can double your human rights impact. Donations to our Human Rights Week Appeal will be matched - dollar for dollar - by our appeal sponsors. With your help, we need to raise $200,000 in one week to power the changes we will fight for in 2019.
Read MoreToday’s announcement by Prime Minister Scott Morrison that the religious freedom review report will be released, has prompted calls for stronger federal protections from discrimination for LGBTIQ+ people.
Read MoreWestern Australia’s Independent Inspector of Custodial Services today released a damning report into the circumstances surrounding a young Aboriginal woman who gave birth alone in a prison cell.
Read MoreLaunched today at NSW Parliament House, Say it loud: Protecting Protest in Australia, criticises recent attempts by governments to undermine protest rights and outlines ten principles to better protect our rights.
Read MoreThe Australian Bureau of Statistics released data last week that shows governments across Australia are now forcing more than 3,600 women into prisons. This marks an increase of 10 per cent from the previous year - more than double the rate of men’s, which increased by four per cent.
Read MoreDoctors, lawyers, healthcare groups and domestic violence services joined community organisations today to deliver an open letter calling for the NSW Parliament to recognise the right to safe and legal abortion access in the state.
Read MoreThe Morrison Government has proposed a Bill which legal experts and LGBTI groups say would entrench unfair and outdated discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi and trans students, resulting in a stalemate with Labor and the Greens.
Read MoreA bill tabled in the South Australian Parliament today would promote the right of all South Australians to control their bodies by removing abortion from the state’s criminal statute books. (Photo credit: Sharise Birse)
Read MoreLawyers and advocates from across Victoria have welcomed the Andrews Government announcement of a Royal Commission into police misconduct, but say the Andrews Government should immediately establish an independent Police Corruption & Misconduct Division within IBAC.
Read MoreAnna Brown, Co-Chair of the Equality Campaign and Director of Legal Advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre, said the delay by the Australian Parliament is a blow to students and their parents seeking certainty ahead of the new year.
Read MoreQueensland women will finally have the freedom to decide what is right for their bodies with the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018 coming into force today.
Read MoreNew laws to address forced labour in the supply chains of Australian companies passed today in Parliament, but human rights advocates say they don’t go far enough. The Modern Slavery Act will require large Australian companies and organisations to report annually on steps they are taking to address forced labour.
Read MoreToday the NT Parliament passed new laws that are a significant step forward towards equality for LGBTI Territorians. It’s been almost a year since the Federal Government passed marriage equality. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for all Australians due to an outdated and unnecessary law that meant transgender people couldn’t change the gender on their birth certificate without being forced to divorce the person they love.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre welcomes the passing of the electoral funding bill, which, after consultation with charities and not-for-profit organisations, is vastly different from the initial flawed proposal that would have stifled vital public advocacy by charities.
Read MoreExemptions which allow religious schools to turn away transgender students or sack gay teachers should be removed in the wake of an urgent inquiry conducted by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee.
Read MoreQueensland’s proposed Human Rights Act should be improved with some simple amendments, the parliamentary committee reviewing the Palaszczuk Government’s legislation has been told today.
Read MoreFederal laws should be amended to protect students and staff from discrimination, the Human Rights Law Centre said today in its submission to the Senate committee reviewing laws that allow faith-based schools to discriminate against LGBTIQ people.
Read MoreTo mark the anniversary of the release of the Royal Commission into Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory’s final report, the Change the Record Coalition including human rights organisations is calling on the NT Gunner Government to raise the age of criminal responsibility and get children out of harmful youth prisons.
Read MoreAt the same time as children and their families are being medically evacuated from Nauru, it’s been reported today that Canstruct, a Queensland company, is set to make in the order of $150 million in earnings from the Australian Government for running the Nauru detention centre.
Read MoreThis week marks one year since Australians overwhelmingly voted ‘Yes’ to the question of whether LGBTI Australians can marry the person they love.
Read MoreThe NT Government has introduced new laws that will help heal the harm caused by discriminatory laws against LGBTI people. NT’s expungement laws, which come into effect today, and the introduction of legislation to reform outdated birth certificate laws are two steps towards achieving justice and equality for all.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Law Centre welcomes the electoral funding bill that is to come before the Senate today, which is vastly different from the initial proposal that would have stifled vital public advocacy by charities.
Read MoreIn an open letter to Attorney-General Christian Porter, leading legal academics and antidiscrimination law practitioners have strongly criticised aspects of the proposed amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (SDA) designed to deal with discrimination by religious schools against LGBT students.
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