Statement of Solidarity with Refugee Encampment protesters

The Human Rights Law Centre stands in solidarity with the refugee activists – led by Refugee Women’s Action for Visa Equality and the Asylum Rights Campaign – who have maintained a constant protest outside government and ministerial offices in Melbourne for the past 31 days. A new encampment was established last week in Sydney.

The encampments represent thousands of people who have been failed by the former Coalition Government’s ‘fast track’ refugee assessment process – who have lived in Australia for over a decade but have never had a fair chance at a future.

The Coalition Government under Scott Morrison and Tony Abbott designed the ‘fast track’ refugee assessment system which did not give people a fair chance to be heard. It was designed to take away people’s right to live in freedom and safety. This is why it has been abolished, with effect from 14 October 2024.

People who were denied refugee protection through the ‘fast track’ have spent years living on short term bridging visas or no visa at all. This visa insecurity not only means that people have no certainty about their future, but also prevents access to the right to work, education, healthcare, social security and to be reunited with their families.

Despite all of this, these people have persisted and built lives in Australia, raised families here and become part of the fabric of our communities. Their demands for justice and equality must be met. The Albanese Government must afford them the dignity and security they are owed: permanent visas, now.     

The Albanese Government has acknowledged that the flawed 'fast track’ system is broken, and has taken crucial steps towards dismantling it, but this task remains unfinished. The Albanese Government has failed to provide a solution for the thousands of people who were refused protection through an unfair and unsafe assessment. We support the right of those people to take their fight for justice and safety to the government’s doorstep.

Members of the encampments invite supporters to join them in both Melbourne and Sydney.  

Melbourne location: 808 Bourke Street, Docklands
Sydney location: Shop 29, Broadway Plaza, Punchbowl

Media Contact:
Thomas Feng
Engagement Director
0431 285 275