Foreign Correspondent: ‘Zoe’s law’ – Reflections from the US environment

The NSW lower house has recently passed the Crimes Amendment (Zoe’s Law) Bill (No. 2) 2013 to amend the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). This version of Zoe’s Law establishes a separate offence for actions that cause serious harm to or the destruction of a foetus. There are a wide range of legitimate criticisms of Zoe’s Law that need examination before the Bill comes before the NSW upper house early next year.

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Foreign Correspondent from the 23rd Session of UN Human Rights Council

A draconian bill passed by the Nigerian House of Representatives is yet another example of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity that is widespread and invidious throughout the world. If enacted, the bill will criminalise same-sex relationships and the ‘aiding or abetting’ of same-sex relationships. It would also forbid the formation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) groups, and even criticism against the bill itself.

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Domestic implementation of UN human rights recommendations

The UN human rights system comprises several bodies which periodically make recommendations to States to assist them in implementing their international human rights obligations. Whilst these conclusions and recommendations are known by different names - UN treaty bodies produce 'concluding observations and views', Special Procedures issue 'recommendations', and Universal Periodic Review 'outcomes' — they are known collectively as 'UN recommendations'. Effective follow-up by civil society is vital to ensuring that these UN recommendations are implemented and lead to an improvement of the human rights situation on the ground.

This paper considers ways in which NGOs may use follow-up strategies and initiatives to contribute to the implementation of UN recommendations at the national level.

Read the report here [PDF]

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