Doctors are fighting to #SaveMedevac – and you can help too.

Doctors and Australia's peak medical bodies are fighting back against the Morrison Government – who wants to tear down lifesaving Medevac legislation and take away doctors' ability to give proper medical treatment to people detained offshore.

In a matter of days, the Senate will cast the final vote on whether or not Medevac stays.

To win this fight, and make sure sick people offshore can get the critical, life saving medical care they need, we need to drown out the Government's misinformation and fear mongering with the trusted voices of doctors.

Will you stand with Australia's leading doctors and peak medical bodies, and sign the petition to #SaveMedevac?

Thank you for your support.


Federal Parliamentarians,

We call on politicians to support doctors and Australia's peak medical bodies and vote to #SaveMedevac.

This law means that doctors, not politicians, decide the medical treatment for the men and women detained offshore.

It is a sensible medical solution to a medical problem – and it must not be repealed.