Your support has secured Moubani’s freedom. Your support is needed to end Nayser’s anguish.

In less than three weeks, over 100 children just like Moubani will experience their first Christmas in safety and freedom.

This time last year they were trapped behind detention centre fences and terrified of being sent back to Nauru. But through our sustained legal and advocacy work – and thanks to your support – we’ve kept every single one of them here in Australia and secured their release into the community with their families.

For many others though, this holiday season will be a time of loneliness, isolation and suffering. We need your support to end this harm.

I was on Manus Island recently and met Nayser Ahmed. Nayser arrived seeking asylum on a different date to his wife and kids. So while his family are now rebuilding their lives in Sydney, Nayser has been stuck on Manus Island for the last three years.

Nayser told me that he just wants what every father in the world wants – to enjoy a meal with his family. But while his wife and children will sit together at their kitchen table tonight, Nayser will once again be forced to queue for his food with 800 other men inside the Manus Processing Centre.

Moubani's peace and safety shows what we can achieve with your support.

Nayser’s anguish shows why we still need it.

Please donate now to support our continued impact. Your donation will be doubled through matching donations from our Human Rights Week Appeal sponsors.

Thank you to everyone who has donated already. Your support is vital to our work in 2017.

Daniel Webb
Director of Legal Advocacy
Human Rights Law Centre